Bonsai Tree

How Much Do Apple Bonsai Trees Cost

How Much Do Apple Bonsai Trees Cost

Apple bonsai trees can be quite special and beautiful. But you might think, How much do they cost? Well, the answer isn’t too complicated.

The price of a bonsai tree depends on different things.

First, it’s about the size. Bigger ones can cost more, while smaller ones are cheaper. Second, the type of apple tree matters.

Some kinds are rare and cost more. Third, where you buy it from can also affect the price. Fancy plant shops might charge more than local stores.

On average, you can expect to pay between $20 and $100 for a basic apple bonsai.

But if you want a really fancy one, it could go up to a few hundred dollars.

So, before buying, know how much it can cost you.

Size of a Bonsai Tree Affects the Cost

Size of a Bonsai Tree Affects the Cost

The size of a little bonsai tree can change how much it costs. Tiny bonsai trees are usually cheaper than big ones.

This is because growing a big bonsai takes a lot of time and care. Taking care of the small ones is easier, so they don’t cost as much.

So, if you’re on a budget, you might want to start with a tiny bonsai and let it grow over time.

This way, you can enjoy the art of bonsai without spending too much money.

1. Cost of Small Bonsai Trees

Tiny bonsai trees, sometimes called mini bonsais, are not too expensive. They usually cost around $20 to $40, which is not much.

These small trees are great for people who are just starting and might not know much about bonsais. You can easily put them on a desk or a small shelf in your room.

They add a nice touch of nature to your space. If you’re on a tight budget and want a little green friend, these tiny bonsais are a good choice.

2. Cost of Mid-Size Bonsai Trees

Medium-sized bonsai trees cost more money. They are a bit bigger than small ones.

You might pay between $50 and $100 for these bonsais. They have grown trunks and branches, so they look older and bigger.

People like them because they seem more mature and developed than the small ones.

When you want a bonsai, you can choose a small one or a medium-sized one.

The small ones are cheaper, but the medium-sized ones are a bit more expensive. It’s your choice based on your budget and what you like.

3. Cost of Big Bonsais

Large bonsai trees are very costly. They can be priced between $150 and $500 or even more.

These bonsais are very old, maybe 20, 30, or 40, and have detailed shapes.

People think of them as a good investment and a piece of artwork. You can see them in fancy gardens and homes—people who love plants like these.

They’re worth a lot of money.

4. Cost of An Old Bonsai Tree

Really old bonsai trees, which we call ancient bonsais, cost a lot—thousands of dollars.

These trees are super old, over a hundred years old, and have a long history.

They’re not easy to find, and collectors want them. People love these old bonsai trees because they’re so special and old.

Cost of Bonsai Apple Trees from a Nursery

Buying little apple trees from a shop selling plants could cost you somewhere between $20 to $50.

The cost might be different because of how old and big the tree is.

Young trees usually don’t cost as much, but if the tree is older and bigger, it can be more expensive.

The kind of apple tree can also change how much it costs.

So, if you want a tree that’s easier on your wallet, think about getting a small, young apple tree from a store near your home.

Cost of Bonsai Apple Trees Online

You can see many different prices when you shop for apple trees online. Some cost as little as $10, while others can be as expensive as $100 or even more.

The price depends on where you buy the tree and how big it is. It’s important to be careful when you buy online.

You should read what other people say about the seller and make sure they are a good seller.

Sometimes, you can find good prices, but you have to be sure the tree is healthy for your money.

Cost of Growing Two Apple Trees

How much you pay can change if you choose to make apple trees grow from seeds or young trees.

You might give $20 to $30 for each tree. Remember, making apple trees grow takes time and work.

You’ll need to buy soil, pots, and tools, which can add another $20 to $30. Also, think about other costs like water, plant food, and bug killers.

Starting with two apple trees might cost you around $80 to $120 at first. And you’ll have more expenses later on.

So, think carefully before you start your apple tree adventure.


When considering the purchase of an apple bonsai tree, it’s like thinking about the cost of a delightful little apple tree in a quaint pot.

These unique trees don’t require a hefty investment but offer immense aesthetic pleasure.

If you want to own your apple bonsai, now is the perfect time to explore your options.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money, and the joy of nurturing your bonsai can be deeply rewarding.

It’s a minimal investment for a charming piece of nature that can enhance the look of any space.

Watching it grow and perhaps even blossom with tiny apples can be an exciting experience.

So, why not start your bonsai journey today?

Learn more about choosing and caring for your apple bonsai tree and bringing natural beauty into your home without worrying too much about the cost.

Enjoy the simplicity and beauty of your new mini apple tree.

Jessica Lee
Jessica Lee, a Botany graduate from University of Florida, has dedicated over 12 years to studying and cultivating plants, with a special focus on miniature trees. She started her journey with us in 2020, sharing her expertise and green-thumb secrets. Jessica has worked with numerous botanical gardens. She is a professional at infusing her articles with a deep understanding of plant biology and aesthetics. Her hobbies include pottery and landscape painting, often inspired by her bonsai creations.

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