
How to Paint Your House – The Best Paint & How To Apply It


If you’re looking to give your home a fresh new look, painting the exterior is a great option.

But, what is the best way to do it? And which type of paint should you use?

In this blog post, the experts from Trusted House Painters Melbourne discuss all of that and more. We also share some tips on how to get it done like a pro!

So if you’re ready to get started, keep reading!

What is the best way to paint the outside of my house?

There is no one “best” way to paint the outside of a house in Melbourne. But, some methods are more popular than others. One is using a primer coat, followed by two finish coats. Another is using a roller for the primer coat and a brush for the finish coats.

Whichever method you choose, be sure to follow the instructions on the paint can carefully. Always test a small area first to make sure it looks good on your house.

What is the best type of paint for the outside of my house?

The best type of paint for the outside of your house depends on the climate in which you live and also it should match with your enclosed patio and their freshness of the garden.

  • Do you live in a humid climate? Use paint designed to withstand moisture to avoid blistering or peeling.
  • Do you live in a cold climate? Use paint that withstands extreme weather conditions.

There are several paints on the market designed for specific climates. So do your research before you purchase. You could also consult with a local house painter to get their input on the best type of paint for your home.

For Melbourne homes, there are many factors to consider when choosing the best paint for your house: climate, exposure to the sun and rain, and the colour of your house. Light-coloured paints reflect more sunlight and heat than dark-coloured paints, which can help keep your home cooler in summer.

When it comes to exterior paint, there are two main types: matte and gloss. Matte finishes are the most popular type because they’re less shiny than gloss finishes and tend to hide surface imperfections better. But they also tend to fade more quickly in direct sunlight than gloss finishes. Gloss finishes are more durable and weather-resistant.

Popular exterior paint products include the following:

  • British Paints PREP 4-in-1: multi-purpose, water-based, coating. Seals, primes, undercoats, and blocks stains. Cost $60 / 4 litres. Coverage: 12m2 / litre.
  • British Paints 4-Seasons-Low-Sheen: water-based, self-priming acrylic paint. Cost: $63 / 4 litres. Coverage: 16m2 / litre
  • Dulux Aquanamel Gloss. Durable: water-based, gloss enamel, low-odour exterior paint. Good for concrete, masonry, MDF, timber, plasterboard, steel, weatherboard. Cost: $50 / litre. Coverage: 16m2 / litre
  • Dulux Weathershield Low-Sheen. Water-based exterior acrylic paint. Self-priming. Good for brick, concrete, fibro, masonry, metal, timber, weatherboard. Cost: $80 / 4 litres. Coverage: 10m2 / litre.

Is there anything I should do before painting the outside of my house?

Yes, there are a few things to do to prepare your house for painting.

  1. Ensure that the surface is clean and free of dirt, dust, or debris. You can do this by washing it with soap and water or using a pressure washer.
  2. Then, repair any cracks or holes in the surface. You can use caulk or putty to do this.
  3. Finally, prime the surface before painting it. Priming helps the paint adhere to the surface better and will also help to protect it from weathering and fading.

What are some expert DIY tips for painting my house in Melbourne?

Here are three tips for achieving a professional finish when painting your house:

  • 1. Choose the right paint – Not all paints are created equal. Make sure to choose a high-quality, durable product that will stand up to weather and wear and is not harmful to your beautiful fence planters.
  • 2. Prep the surface properly – Before painting, make sure to clean and prep the surface properly to ensure a smooth, even finish.
  • 3. Use the right tools and techniques – Using the right tools and techniques will help you achieve a professional finish with less effort and fewer mistakes.

Painting can be a lot of work, but the final result is always worth it. Once you’re finished painting, here are three tips for cleaning up the mess:

  • Soak up any paint spills immediately with a paper towel or cloth.
  • You can also sprinkle baking soda over spilled wet paint to help absorb it and minimize any lingering odour. Let the baking soda sit for about 10 minutes, then vacuum it up.
  • Use a damp cloth to wipe down painted surfaces when dry.
  • Dispose of all used paint cans and brushes properly according to local regulations.

How long does exterior house paint last?

It all depends on the climate and weather conditions in your area. In warm, dry climates, a coat of paint can last up to 10 years. But in humid or cold zones, you might need to repaint every 3-5 years.

The main thing that affects how long paint lasts is the amount of exposure to sunlight and moisture. So if you have a home with a lot of direct exposure to the sun, or if it’s constantly wet from rain or snow, then the paint will wear down more quickly.

Is it worth paying professionals to paint the exterior of my house?

There are several reasons why it’s usually better to pay professionals to paint the exterior of your house. Here are three key reasons:

  1. They have the experience and expertise to do the job right.
  2. They have the proper equipment and supplies to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
  3. They are insured in case of accidents or damage that may occur while working on your home.

They will also be able to recommend the best paint for your home’s exterior, based on local weather conditions. Read more… for more painting tips.

Callista Porter
Callista Porter, with a background in architecture (B.Arch, University of Texas), has made a name for herself in the renovation industry over the past 12 years. Her expertise is restoring and modernizing historic homes, balancing preservation with contemporary aesthetics. Callista joined our platform in 2021, sharing insights on architectural integrity and modern design trends in her writing. Her passion for history extends into her hobby of collecting vintage home decor, which often inspires her renovation projects.

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