Inground Pools

Is a Backyard Pool Worth It


Many people think that having a backyard pool is worth it.

A backyard pool can be a dream come true on hot summer days, but weighing the pros and cons is important.

Here, we’ll find the answer to the question, Is a backyard pool worth it?

For those with limited space, a small backyard might make installing a pool unfeasible.

However, small backyard pool ideas can transform even modest outdoor areas into refreshing retreats.

We’ll discuss the impact a pool can have on the value of your home.

So, let’s find out if a backyard pool is the right choice for you.

Is Your Yard Good for a Pool?

Is Your Yard Good for a Pool?

Before deciding on a pool, assessing if your yard is suitable is crucial. A flat, open space with no underground obstructions is ideal.

Consider tree roots or large rocks that could complicate installation.

Also, check local regulations for required setbacks from property lines and structures.

These guidelines are in place to ensure safety and compliance with zoning laws.

It’s also essential to think about accessibility for construction equipment.

If your yard is difficult to access, it may affect the installation process and potentially increase costs.

Consulting with a professional pool installer can help evaluate your yard’s suitability and address potential challenges. Use a pool skimmer net to keep your pool clean by removing debris like leaves and bugs.

Pool Types: Ground or Above the Ground

Pools come in two main types: in-ground and above-ground. In-ground pools are set into the ground and can be made of concrete, vinyl, or fiberglass.

They offer a cool appearance but are pricier due to the excavation and construction involved. Above-ground pools, on the other hand, stand on the ground’s surface and are generally more affordable and easier to install.

They are often made of steel or polymer walls and can be surrounded by decking, creating a convenient space for swimmers and sunbathers. To check the water quality of your pool, you should use pool test strips.

Keeping Your Pool Safe with Insurance

Having the right insurance is essential when you have a pool. It protects against accidents or damages that may occur in or around the pool area.

Adding a pool to your homeowner’s insurance may increase your premium, but taking safety precautions can help lower costs.

Safety features like covers, non-slip surfaces, and proper lighting are important factors for insurance considerations.

Additionally, having clear signage and fencing around the pool area can further enhance safety. It’s advisable to discuss your pool with your homeowner’s insurance representative to ensure you have the appropriate coverage in place.

Taking Care of Your Pool

Taking Care of Your Pool

Regular maintenance ensures your pool remains clean and safe for enjoyment. This includes tasks like using a net to collect leaves and debris, scrubbing pool walls, steps, and ladders, as well as cleaning the pool cover, and running the pool pump.

Checking and adjusting the pool’s chemical and pH levels are vital for maintaining water quality.

Shocking the pool periodically helps eliminate bacteria and algae. It’s important to allocate time or budget for pool maintenance.

Some may choose to handle maintenance tasks themselves, while others may hire a professional pool servicing company for convenience and expertise.

Will You Use Your Pool a Lot?

Consider your lifestyle before investing in a pool. A pool could be a valuable addition if you enjoy regular outdoor activities, exercise, or have a family that loves to swim.

It provides a space for leisure, relaxation, and social gatherings.

However, if you’re rarely home or prefer indoor activities, a pool may not be utilized enough to justify the investment.

Assessing your family’s habits and preferences will help determine if a pool aligns with your lifestyle and if it will truly enhance your quality of life at home.

How Much Does a Pool Cost?

Pool costs vary depending on size, materials, and additional features.

In-ground pools can range from $28,000 to $55,000, while above-ground pools are generally more budget-friendly at $1,850 to $4,977.

Remember that extra expenses like fencing, covers, and poolside accessories exist.

The shape of the pool, as well as any special features like slides or fountains, can also influence the overall cost.

It’s important to set a budget and carefully consider your options to ensure your chosen pool aligns with your financial resources.

Is a Pool a Good Investment for Your Home?

The value a pool adds to your home depends on factors like climate and buyer preferences.

In regions with limited pool-use seasons, it might not really impact resale value. However, for many buyers, a well-maintained pool can be a sought-after feature, providing enjoyment, entertainment, and a boost in property value.

Properly showcasing the pool and its additions can improve its look to potential buyers. Also, maintaining the pool’s condition and ensuring it complies with safety standards will contribute to its positive impact on your home’s overall value.

A pool cover helps to protect your pool from leaves and dirt when it’s not in use.


After thinking about all these things, you might still wonder if a backyard pool is worth it. Well, it really depends on you and your family.

If you love swimming and will use it a lot, it can bring great joy. It’s not just about fun. Pools need care and can cost some money.

If you’re sure you’ll use it a lot and you have the means to take care of it, a pool can be a great addition to your home.

But if you’re not so sure, maybe think a bit more. It’s your space, and it should make you happy. So, think it through and decide what’s best for you and your family.

Dave Petty
Dave Petty earned his Master’s in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University, focusing his 20-year career on inground pool construction and hydraulic systems. Since joining our website as a freelancer in 2020, Dave has provided insights into custom pool designs, construction techniques, and sustainability in pool maintenance. His background includes roles in architectural engineering and as a water feature designer. Beyond work, Dave is a mountain biking enthusiast and a volunteer in local water conservation projects.

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