Bonsai Tree

10 Beautiful Trees to Make a Bonsai Tree Indoors 

Trees to Make a Bonsai Tree Indoors 

Starting off with anything can be difficult. And it is true even while selecting indoor bonsai tree options. While there are so many options available, it still makes it difficult to get the perfect one for yourself or others.

Bonsai plants are not only great pieces for your own house and workplace decor but make great gifting options as well. Since, not everybody can keep a puppy or a cat in their office, a bonsai tree is probably the best choice.

To help you out with some great options, we have listed down few choices that you can consider having. Let us start!

1. Apple Bonsai Tree (Clusia Rosea)

Apple Bonsai Tree (Clusia Rosea)

If you are looking for a plant to place on your dinner or office table, miniature apples trees bearing mini apples can be a perfect choice for that. It is dense with numerous leaves and lovely flowers.

It grows in various bonsai styles with dark green leaves and aerial roots. Having a bonsai apple tree is a fun way you can grow little apples right on your desk or on your patio at home.

It should be placed in sunny locations. It can be grown outside in full sun or in semi-shade places.

2. Pine (Pinus spp.)

Pine (Pinus spp.)

Pines are another common tree which are grown as bonsai, because of their hardy and trainable nature. Pine trees are characterized by needles appearing in bundles of two to five.

Among Pines, species like, Pinus thunbergii. P. mugo, P. parviflora and P. sylvestris are some great options for bonsai.

3. Ginseng Ficus (Ficus Retusa)

Ginseng Ficus (Ficus Retusa)

This is an excellent option for beginner bonsai enthusiasts. They are low-maintenance, broadleaf evergreen species. They are very hard and forgiving trees which are characterized by aerial roots and dark green oval-shaped leaves.

It thrives in warm-climates and bright, indirect sunlight, and hence grows well as an indoor plant.

4. Hawaiian Umbrella (Scheffelera arboricola)

Hawaiian Umbrella (Scheffelera arboricola)

This flowering plant belongs to Araliaceae family and is still low-maintenance. This plant also makes a great gifting option.

It is striking yet sturdy nature makes it perfect for both home and office. It does well both in low and high light conditions.

The beautiful Hawaiian Umbrella tree bonsai is also easy to care for and propagate.

5. Brazilian raintree (Pithecellobium Tortum)

Brazilian raintree (Pithecellobium Tortum)

This intriguing plant can act as a natural barometer for you. When it gets dark, rains, or gets hot, the plant responds by closing its leaves.

It has an ancient tree effect because of its crooked stems and branches with peeling greyish bark. It also has thorns and beautiful flowers loved by the butterflies. Just make sure you are providing it with enough sunlight.

6. Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum)

Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum)

These are deciduous hardwood trees famous for red burgundy or green leaves that turn bright red, orange or yellow in fall.

The bark of this tree is typically green or reddish when young, turning grey or grayish-brown as it ages.

However, if you are mostly busy with work, this might not be the best choice for you. They require a lot of water during the growing season and depending on outside temperature they may require daily watering, possibly even several times a day.

7. Cedar (Cedrus spp.)

Cedar (Cedrus spp.)

Cedar trees are again one of the popular choices among bonsai enthusiasts. These evergreen conifers grow short needle clusters along their branches, providing the opportunity for various bonsai styles.

However, unlike commonly grown bonsai trees, these trees are not an ideal choice for beginners. They require specialized care and expertise to grow properly and thus are best suited for experienced growers.

8. Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina)

Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina)

Weeping figs are exciting choice for bonsai because of its beautiful, umbrella-like canopy of the weeping fig.

It is hardy, resilient and has twisted surface roots which adds an interesting feature that lends well to bonsai styling and bonsai training.

It adapts to growing well indoors and can be grown as a houseplant year around.

9. Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)

Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)

Chinese elms are the easiest trees for bonsai beginners. Since it is fast growing with highly predictable growth pattern, with small leaves, woody trunks, and short nodes, it makes it very easy for a beginner to grow an attractive and healthy bonsai tree even inside a home or office.

They are tolerant to underwater and overwatering and can also grow in good or bad soil. Its seeds are edible, and the green leaves tastes like lettuce and can be mixed in with salad to add an extra level of flavor.

10. Snow Rose (Serissa japonica)

Snow Rose (Serissa japonica)

The snow rose tree has a woody stem that produces tiny leaves, and small, attractive and plentiful flowers. It also known as The tree of a thousand stars.

It is evergreen or semi-evergreen and does well both inside and outside. However, they are sensitive to light, temperature, and watering. They may lose some foliage when they are under such stresses. But they are also quick to rebound to health.

They are also high maintenance for beginners. It might shed its leaves under stress like fluctuations in temperatures or watering routines.

Jessica Lee
Jessica Lee, a Botany graduate from University of Florida, has dedicated over 12 years to studying and cultivating plants, with a special focus on miniature trees. She started her journey with us in 2020, sharing her expertise and green-thumb secrets. Jessica has worked with numerous botanical gardens. She is a professional at infusing her articles with a deep understanding of plant biology and aesthetics. Her hobbies include pottery and landscape painting, often inspired by her bonsai creations.

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