Home Decor

5 Ways to Make Your Home Look Stylish


The world of interior design is rapidly expanding and changing, and with every change of season comes new styles, trends, tricks, and fresh new looks. As the seasons and your taste change, sprucing up some of your home decor gives everything a cleaner and more stylish look.

Interior design can be a major hassle when tackling large-scale projects or the unknowns of different colors and arrangements. Finding simple but fun ways to spice things up and give your house a much-needed fresh look is important to getting the most out of your space and enjoying your home.

Luckily, there are some simple and fashionable ways to spice things up and make your home look more stylish for the new season!


Color is one of the most important aspects of interior design because it is often one of the first things we notice when walking into a room. Playing around with current color palettes, branching out and trying a whole new shade altogether, or just adding a fresh coat on the walls is a great place to start when looking for ways to make your home more stylish.

When looking to change up the color pallet of a space you need to start with the walls. You can stick to one color all the way around, use several hues of the same color, or get creative with multiple colors and hues. Whatever avenue you choose, making sure that you use high-quality paint and get a good even finish will make your walls pop and give the room a clean and fashionable look!

As well as playing around with wall colors, changing the colors of decor can add a lot of style to a space. From matching the decor and furniture to the wall color to switching things up with multiple contrasting colors, or creating a decor around green cushions finding a good blend of shades and hues to match your walls is a great way to use color for a complete and stylish finish!

Taking advantage of subtle and bright color pallets to spice things up in your interior design is the best way to lay a solid foundation to make your home look more stylish!


Lighting is an important part of interior design, and the right blend of dim and bright lighting is crucial to achieving the look you want in your home. It is important to play around with artificial and natural lighting in every room so you can use the light and dark spots to your advantage, and it takes a bit of time to get the right mix for every room.

Taking advantage of the natural lighting in your space is a good way to give your room a fresh and bright look. Adding fashionable window coverings that allow the warm sunlight to brighten the room during the day and keep the sun out when you want to dim the lights is a good way to cut the cost of lighting in a room and get a healthy dose of Vitamin D from the comfort of your living room!

When it comes to artificial lighting, you want to find the right blend of functionality and fashion to fit your needs and your style. Overhead lighting is a perfect way to get functionality while freeing up space on the floor. Pairing lamps and other lighting devices on the surface level with your decor scheme helps appliances blend in with the rest of the room.

Finding the right blend of fashion and functionality to illuminate your spaces is another great way to add some style to your home!


Flooring is an often overlooked aspect of interior design, but there are a lot of simple and stylish tips to spice things up starting with the foundation.

Adding some style to your floors does not have to break the bank, there are plenty of cheaper and easier ways to spice things up without replacing the floors or doing renovations. Adding a colorful or intricately designed rug to match your color pallet is a nice way to protect the floors underneath and add a nice touch.

If you plan on tearing up the floors, picking the right replacement that matches the style of your room is crucial to creating a coherent look. From tile to hardwood or carpeting, finding the right high-quality and stylish foundation will help tie the rest of the design together.

Finding the right flooring and floor accessories to spice up the ground level is another great way to add some style to your home!


One of the best ways to add some style to any room in the home is taking advantage of the existing hardware in your rooms and turning them into eye-catching statement pieces. Creating a perfect blend of functionality and fashion is a perfect way to spice things up and improve on what you already have.

Having stylish and functional storage in each room is a great way to get the most out of your space while also adding a touch of class. A perfect way to upgrade your space is by adding reclaimed wood shelves for a fresh rustic look that is also great for the environment!

A roaring fireplace is a perfect eye-catching and functional statement piece for a variety of rooms. Upgrading a traditional fireplace with an electric fireplace is a perfect blend of functionality and style to add to your home.

Taking advantage of the hardware you already have in your rooms and upgrading them in functionality and fashion is a perfect way to make your home more stylish!


There is a vast variety of different decor in the home to consider when spicing things up. Completely redesigning a room or just adding a few new touches to your decor is a great way to make any room look more stylish.

Making good use of wall space is a perfect place to start when rethinking your decor. You don’t want to overcrowd your free space, but adding some nice wall art or fun family photos is a stylish and creative way to fill up an empty wall and give your space a nice touch.

Tabletops and shelves are another great area to add some extra decor, and there are endless possibilities to add some style to a spare flat space. Plants, coffee table books, ceramics, and other pottery pieces, and a mish-mash of creative decorations add a nice touch of class and personal style to any room!

Spicing things up in the home with a variety of chic and creative decor is an excellent way to finish off your space and make your home look more stylish!

Finish it off


With how quickly trends and fashions change in the world of interior design, there is a constant and never-ending stream of new ideas and tips to get the most out of your space and make your home look more stylish!

Nate Berkus
Nate Berkus, a distinguished interior designer with a Bachelor’s in Design and Environmental Analysis, has been transforming spaces with his unique aesthetics for over two decades. His professional journey includes working with top design firms before venturing into freelance design consulting. His expertise was cultivated through years of working on high-end residential and commercial projects. He joined our editorial team and offers readers a blend of contemporary style and practical decorating solutions. He is also an ardent traveler, drawing inspiration from different cultures to enrich his design philosophy.

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  1. […] kid-friendly carpet flooring can be one of the great aspects of your interior design. Look for a carpet with designs having simple patterns or colors, so it’s easier to identify […]

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