Organizing Mission Monday Link Party – Week 5


Organizing mission Monday another great week with some really fun ideas! I am loving this! You all have some really creative ideas like growing garlic indoors and how to make a perfect diy tower garden and I will be using a few of them in my own home.

Here are my Featured Blog posts for this week.

Please pick up my “Proud To Be Featured” button from my sidebar. (for whatever reason the coding of my buttons is going wacko when I put them in a post. Until I get someone to fix them for me, I’ll ask you pick up the buttons from the sidebar – Thanks!)

Megan from Polish The Stars has creative this awesome craft closet out of a utility closet.

empty closet

She took this utility closet and decided to create her craft room! It went from bare to craft closet beautiful!!

Is this too cute or what? Look at how she even incorporated the water faucets to make it look cute? She didn’t try to cover them up or anything.. they just look like they fit there. lol

I love this method she used to hand her ribbon also.

ribbonBe sure to stop by and check out her full blog post to see the rest of the pictures she has. Also, check out the rest of her blog Polish The Stars

House on Ashwell Lane has some unique organizing solutions that I liked.
gutter for the book looks like just a normal bookshelf on a wall, doesn’t it? But it is house rain gutter! Isn’t that a neat idea?

This is my favorite idea of hers. So easy.. and no cost!

toilet paper rollsI think this is such a neat idea. I am actually collecting empty rolls right now because I need a better solution for my cords by my chair. I am thinking of stacking and gluing them together… and making them like a pyramid.

Be sure to check out House on Ashwell to see the rest of her Clever Solutions.

Michelle from Sustainabley Chic Designs got my attention with this homemade washer & dryer pedestal

Her husband took it from this

washer dryer pedestal

Then to this:

washer and dryer pedestal

washer and dryer pedestaland finally to this:

washer and dryer pedestal

washer and dryer pedestalIsn’t this awesome!! She took a basement laundry room with brick walls and turned it into a cute little laundry room. Love the colors! Look at the complete guide on the rest of the laundry room makeover at Sustainabley Chic Designs

Link Up!


1) Link back to my blog with either the button or my link. (Use the Organizing Mission button on my sidebar)
2) Would also love it if you could follow me
3) Blog posts related to Organizing or Cleaning please.
4) Family friendly (or I will delete)
5) No sales pitches or web sites please.

I ask that you please link back to me with my button or my link (or both!) Thanks!

Be sure to check out my list of link parties! If you have a link party and I don’t have you listed, let me know and I’ll add you to the list.

Not sure how? It is simple….

1) In the first box it says “link it to” – Just put the url of your specific blog post. Still not sure? Click on your blog post (not your blog, but specific post) You will see the http://your blog name/your blog post name up at the top. Just Copy and past that link.

2) Caption or Title – What is your blog post titled or what do you want the readers to see under your picture

3) Your email- that is simple

4) You can either check “From File” and this will take you to your computer info where you can pick a picture. Or you can pick “From Web” . This will take you to pictures from your specific blog post and blog. This is the one I usually pick as there is much less searching to do for a picture.

5) Once you pick your picture it takes you to that picture and you can move the box to show what part of the picture you want. then just click load or start at the bottom of the picture. Your done!

I would love it if you could vote for my blog! You can vote up to once per day. hank you!

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

Featuring Pouchee – The Ultimate Purse Organizer

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