Pots and Pans


Kitchen cupboard organizing can be tricky and if your gate is damaged then finding some amazing gate ideas is also necessary. Usually we find ourselves with too many pots and pans and not enough storage for them. There are many solutions. If you have the space and nice enough looking pans you can get a pot hanger and hang them for some kitchen decor.

I’ll show you what I did to reorganize my pots and pans.

I use the pan protectors in between my pans to try and protect them. I have my George Foreman Grill and crock pot in the back.


I wanted to find a solution except outdoor toy storage, for storing our large pancake griddle . Right now I am keeping it in the bottom drawer of the washing machine! I know.. crazy huh?
Step 1: Clear everything out and clean the shelves.

Step 2: Sort

What do you need? Look at that item and ask yourself:

1) Have you used it in the last year? Do you like it?
2) Is the surface of the pan intact (teflon shouldn’t be scratched or peeling)
3) Do all the lids fit pans? Do you have any old lids or damaged lids you don’t use, but have kept?

If there are pots and pans that are in good shape, but you don’t use them or like them – donate them. Anything else may be able to be recycled.
Step 3: Put in organizing items if you have them.

I had 2 lid organizers that mounted to the inside cabinets from my old house. I never used them because I thought we were moving and didn’t want to lose them.
I also had a white white wire rack that I had used at some point. I got those 3 things and my handy dandy 3M Command Strips (so love these now!) and went to work.

I used the Command Hooks to mount the lid organizers to the inside of each door.


I did find that some of the lids did not work well in this. The two larger lids for my orange pots and pans did not both fit. They kept falling forward. I was able to use one of the lids. The other one I put on the pan it went with.


Here is the final product! See the wire rack I put in the back? I was able to put the smaller pans on that shelf.

I put all my Rachel Ray pans on the left. They are the most used and pans of choice. Notice I tried to turn the handles so they would be easy to get out of

I also had the red pan that I reviewed and really love, but it was a single and we also use it frequently. So I put up another hook and hung it on the wall.


Be careful if you are putting something on the wall or the door of your cabinets. Be sure that you can close them easily when they are on there.

I put the lids on my two dutch ovens and put them on the upper shelf

I still had room for my crock pot on the top shelf and my George Foreman on the bottom.

Now that I have all those lids out of the bottom drawer of the stove… what do you think I did with that?

pancake griddleYep! It fit great. It will be so much nicer than using the washing machine drawer. lol
Ok…. time for you to tackle your pots and pans!! I want to see your before and after pictures!

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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