Design Ideas

Roller Blinds vs Curtains In A Condo


Window treatments are an integral part of your condo decor and an excellent way to express your personal style. Depending on the style you choose, they also provide varying levels of privacy and light control, If you have just moved in, new window treatments can make the new space your own, and feel like home. New window treatments are also a great way to update your existing space. when you are ready for a change. Two options for window treatments are roller blinds and curtains. When deciding which is best for you, there are several things to consider.


  • The first thing to consider is your budget. How much are you willing and able to spend?
  • Next, you need to consider the level of privacy and light control you are looking for. Something sheer will provide some privacy while still allowing the sun to shine in. Black-out curtains can make any room as dark as night, regardless of the time of day, and they are energy efficient.
  • Finally, you need to consider the size of your condo. Bulky floor-to-ceiling curtains  to making your patio will make a small space feel crowded, while blinds that are flush to the window frame can open up a small room.

Roller Blinds

Generally speaking, roller blinds cost less than curtains, which can make them a good choice for decorating on a budget. The large variety of available colors ensures that you will find some that fit your look. The equally large variety of textures provides varying levels of privacy and light control. This ranges from fully open and letting in all the light to quite dark. Roller blinds don’t make it quite all the way to black-out level, though, making them less energy efficient than curtains, which can have an effect on your heating and cooling bills depending on where you live.

Roller blinds take up less space than curtains, which can be important if your condo is not large. They tend to sit quite flush to the window and frame, whereas curtains occupy more space within the room. Roller blinds have the advantage of being very easy to clean. Most of the time they can be wiped down and dusted with no need to take them off of the window.

Due to the variety of materials used to create roller blinds, things like cost, size, and color selection can vary widely between different manufacturers.


Curtains tend to be more expensive than roller blinds. That said, there are some advantages that come with that additional cost. There are many more style options. Because they are made of fabric, choices of colors, patterns, and textures are virtually endless. Finding something that complements your decor, be it for a living room, kitchen, or a child’s bedroom, will not be a problem.

Sheer curtains will provide some privacy while letting in light. This is less of an option with blinds. Although some styles of blinds will allow some light in, as a rule, they are not as sheer as curtains. The lightweight nature of sheer curtains means they will not add bulk to a small space. In the other direction, full black-out curtains are available that will keep a room dark no matter the time of day. These are great for people who need to sleep during the day, and they are very energy efficient. This is important if lowering your heating bill is a priority. One drawback of blackout curtains to consider is the bulk. One runs the risk of making a small space feel overcrowded.

Additionally, it can be challenging and expensive to use a curtain cleaning service. Some of them can be thrown in a home washer and dryer, others must be professionally dry-cleaned. Even the washable ones can be a problem, if they are too large for your machines, or if you don’t have a washing machine at all.

Finally, something to consider with both blinds and curtains is safety. Some styles of both feature cords as part of the opening and closing mechanisms. Cords can present choking hazards to small children. Be sure to consider who spends time in your condo and choose styles like adding fence planters and features that won’t pose a danger to anyone who visits or lives with you.

Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter, a distinguished alumnus of the Rhode Island School of Design, holds a Bachelor's in Graphic Design. With over 12 years of experience in the creative industry, Ethan has worked with various design studios and advertising agencies. He joined our team in 2020, bringing a wealth of knowledge in visual storytelling and brand development. His passion for aesthetics and functionality is evident in his articles, which have been a part of our website. When not crafting inspiring content, Ethan enjoys photography and exploring urban landscapes.

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