Home DecorPlants

What are the disadvantages of terrariums?


Everybody should have plants in their life. Whether it is a plant wall, small indoor plants, or a large backyard garden, plants are essential to a happy life. The lush leaves and colorful flowers will bring a smile to anybody’s face. Even if you do not have a green thumb, you can keep and care for plants that do not need much attention.

You start with easy-to-take-care-of plants and work yourself up to plants that need special attention. Most people hear the word “terrarium,” and they think of plants or animals in a sealed jar. But they are much more than that.

Before you get one, you should learn about it so that you are fully prepared for one. This article lets you know all about the disadvantages of having terrariums.

An Introduction to Terrarium

An Introduction to Terrarium

A terrarium is a sealable glass container with plants, animals, and soil inside; you can easily open it to maintain the plants and flowers. A terrarium is a great thing to have since it adds beauty and character to your house. They are the perfect shelter for many plants and animals. They are a unique way of presenting your plants and animals to your friends and family.

Terrariums come in two types: open and closed. An open terrarium has an opening that lets air and water in and out. A closed terrarium is sealed shut by a cork, lid, or door. There are different disadvantages to each type of terrarium. Once you realize which type of terrarium is best suited for you, then you can get started on starting a terrarium and picking which plants to grow.

Disadvantages of Open Terrarium

Disadvantages of Open Terrarium

An open terrarium is, as its name suggests, open. There is a wide opening so that water vapors and air can easily go in and out of the terrarium.

  • The plants will grow as they can since nothing is restricting them. So if you have a small place, a big plant will be a big nuisance.
  • Your reptile pets will easily escape their home if placed in an open terrarium.
  • There is a higher chance of your plants drying out in an open terrarium; there is no lid covering the terrarium, so your plants will dry out faster due to the constant air supply.
  • If you have large pets or small children, they will get into your terrarium and make a mess of everything; large pets or small children can even break the glass walls and damage the plants or scare the animals inside. You cannot control pets or babies, so you must be extra careful with your open terrarium.
  • Plants in an open terrarium require diligent watering just like your other plants, which are not in an open terrarium.
  • The glass walls of the open terrarium can also magnify the sun’s rays and cause harm to the plants and cold-blooded animals. Too much heat will turn your terrarium into a sauna, which the residents will not appreciate. So, instead of keeping plants that require direct sunlight, go for low-light terrarium plants.
  • Plants that need a shady or high-humidity environment are not suited for an open terrarium; these kinds of plants include ferns, moss, etc.

Disadvantages of Closed Terrarium

Disadvantages of Closed Terrarium

Like the name, a closed terrarium is sealed shut with a lid, cork, or door. The plants, soil, water, and air become a self-sustaining ecosystem. The water vapor evaporates from the soil, and it condenses into rain, thereby watering the plants. A well-balanced closed terrarium could theoretically go on indefinitely under the right conditions.

  • One problem your plants might face in a closed terrarium will be poor air circulation; since the terrarium is closed, there is no airflow, which will be harmful to certain plants and animals. Your plants will also grow much slower in a closed terrarium since less air is coming in as compared to the abundant air that plants in an open terrarium receive.
  • Less natural lighting enters the closed terrarium, which can harm certain plants and animals.
  • Since this type of terrarium is closed, you do not have access to the plants and animals. This makes it difficult to take care of the plants and animals.
  • Plants that need an arid environment, like succulents, aloe, cacti, etc., will not survive in a closed terrarium, so you have to be careful when selecting which plants to grow in the terrarium.
  • You need to make sure that the closed terrarium has regular ventilation, or you will find condensation that has built up on the glass wall.
  • The drainage layer inside a closed terrarium needs to be looked after; you do not want the layer to be filled with water or gases from decomposition materials.

Final Thoughts

Plants and flowers are nature’s way of bringing happiness to everybody’s lives. The rich evergreen and bright colors are the perfect companions for you. You can even grow small plants and flowers indoors. But of course, you cannot forget about growing herbs for your kitchen. There are plenty of plants and flowers you can grow, even if you are a first-time plant parent.

You can also keep plants in terrariums should you choose to. That’s why this article shows you the disadvantages of keeping terrariums so that you can make your decision with certainty. Hope your plants and flowers stay healthy and strong.

Nate Berkus
Nate Berkus, a distinguished interior designer with a Bachelor’s in Design and Environmental Analysis, has been transforming spaces with his unique aesthetics for over two decades. His professional journey includes working with top design firms before venturing into freelance design consulting. His expertise was cultivated through years of working on high-end residential and commercial projects. He joined our editorial team and offers readers a blend of contemporary style and practical decorating solutions. He is also an ardent traveler, drawing inspiration from different cultures to enrich his design philosophy.

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