Buying Guide

What is the Best Automatic Chicken Coop Door

What is the Best Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Caring for chickens is not easy, especially when you have to open the coop door at dawn. Also, making a chicken coop door that easily allows chickens to go out and come in is quite tricky.

Thus, an automatic chicken coop door is handy in such a situation. This is helpful because the thought of a predator sneaking is a nightmare for the chicken keepers.

Normal doors can be broken, and any threat can harm the chickens

Thus, investing in an automatic chicken coop door is worth it if you are planning to buy one and are confused about which one to choose.

If so, don’t worry—we have your back. We have mentioned the 7 best automatic chicken coop doors that are worth your money.

Tune in to know everything in detail.

Top Best Automatic Chicken Coop Door

1. JVR Automatic Chicken Coop Door Kit

JVR Automatic Chicken Coop Door Kit

This innovative kit includes a programmable controller and a motorized door based on a set schedule.

It ensures that your chickens are safely secured within their coop at night and allows them to access the outdoors during the day without manual intervention.

The controller offers customizable options for opening and closing times, considering the changing seasons and daylight patterns.

This automation enhances the efficiency of chicken coop management and provides convenience and peace of mind for poultry owners, ensuring the well-being and safety of their feathered flock.

2. Run Chicken Coop Door

Run Chicken Coop Door

The Run Chicken Coop Door Kit by Omlet is a reliable and convenient solution for poultry keepers seeking automated control over their chicken coop’s access points.

This kit includes a motorized door and a control unit that allows for programming based on time or light levels, enabling a hassle-free coop management experience.

The automated door ensures that your chickens are securely locked inside the coop at night and can safely access the outdoor run during the day.

Its user-friendly design and customizable settings make it easy to adapt to changing seasons and daylight hours.

3. Chickenguard Coop Door

Chickenguard Coop Door

This coop door opener operates on a timer or a light sensor. It ensures that the coop door opens at a set time in the morning and closes at dusk to protect chickens from predators.

It provides poultry keepers flexibility and peace of mind, allowing them to customize opening and closing times to align with their chickens’ routine or the changing seasons.

The Chickenguard Coop Door Kit significantly simplifies the daily tasks associated with poultry care, promoting a safer and more convenient environment for the chickens and their owners.

4. Chickcozy Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Chickcozy Automatic Chicken Coop Door

This comprehensive kit includes a motorized door and an intelligent controller, enabling poultry keepers to program opening and closing times with precision and ease.

The automated door ensures chickens are safely secured within the coop at night and allows them to access the outdoors in the morning without manual intervention.

The controller can be set based on a timer or a light sensor, adjusting to changing daylight patterns and seasons.

The Chickcozy Automatic Chicken Coop Door Kit offers convenience, peace of mind, and enhanced efficiency in poultry coop management.

5. Huabor Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Huabor Automatic Chicken Coop Door

The Huabor Automatic Chicken Coop Door is a smart poultry management solution featuring a built-in lithium-ion battery that charges using solar power through an accompanying solar panel.

The panel, staked into the ground, harnesses natural sunlight, ensuring a continuous power supply, especially in sunnier climates and during the summer.

However, a USB cable can be used for convenient battery charging for regions with less sunlight.

This door offers versatility in control, allowing users to set timers for specific opening and closing times, utilize the light sensor, manually configure settings, or employ the provided remote control.

6. HAPPY HENHOUSE Automatic Chicken Coop Door Kit

Huabor Automatic Chicken Coop Door

The HAPPY HENHOUSE Automatic Chicken Coop Door Kit is an advanced and efficient solution for poultry keepers seeking automated coop management.

This comprehensive kit includes a motorized door and a smart controller, providing a range of customizable options for opening and closing times.

The system is designed for the well-being and safety of chickens, ensuring they are securely housed within the coop at night and allowing them access to the outdoors during the day without manual intervention.

The intelligent controller offers flexibility, enabling poultry owners to set schedules based on timers, light sensors, or manual adjustments to accommodate changing seasons and daylight patterns.

7. Hamuti Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Hamuti Automatic Chicken Coop Door

The Hamuti automatic chicken coop door represents a pinnacle of convenience and durability in poultry management.

Powered by solar energy, this automated coop door ensures uninterrupted operation, even in areas with limited electrical access or during power outages.

Installation is a breeze, requiring 10 minutes to offer hassle-free automatic opening and closing.

Equipped with light sensor and timer modes, it provides versatility in coop access control, allowing poultry keepers to tailor the door’s operation to specific times or lighting conditions.

Its resilience to extreme weather conditions sets the Hamuti coop door apart.

It is made from robust aluminum and AES, and it can withstand temperatures ranging from -26°C to 60°C, effectively safeguarding chickens in rain, snow, and dust.

Selecting the Ideal Chicken Coop Entry Size

Caring for chickens is not just a routine; it’s a passion for many who cherish spending time with these feathered friends.

One critical aspect of chicken coop maintenance is ensuring that the entryway is of the right size—optimal dimensions for your chicken coop entry can make a significant difference.

This facilitates easy movement for the chickens and plays a crucial role in keeping potential predators out.

Investing in an automatic chicken coop door is worth considering if you find manually opening and closing the coop daunting.

These doors automate the process, significantly enhancing the security and safety of your chickens without daily hassle.


These are some top picks from chicken keepers.

However, when buying automatic chicken coop doors, you should also check for size, material, and a power source, such as batteries, a power adapter, or solar power, along with a door operating mechanism.

It would be best to look for features like a timer and other smart device features.

Other than that, these automatic coop doors are a savior, and you will surely agree to it.

Once you install it, you won’t have to worry about shutting or opening the doors for your feathered companions.

Lauren Miller
Lauren Miller, who holds a degree in Consumer Sciences from Colorado State University, has been an authoritative voice in product analysis and consumer advice for over 15 years. Joining our team in 2020, Lauren elevated our buying guides with meticulous research and practical insights. She specializes in crafting detailed buying guides and reviews. Previously, she worked in product development and consumer advocacy. Lauren is a gourmet cook and a passionate advocate for sustainable living.

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