
Are Squirrel Bites Dangerous


Squirrels are adorable furry animals we often see in parks and neighborhoods. They might nibble on things they shouldn’t, like fingers.

But are squirrel bites something we need to worry about?

We’ll find out if they are dangerous or not. Squirrel bites may not be as common as dog or cat bites, but they can happen if you get too close to these bushy-tailed rodents.

While squirrels are generally not aggressive towards humans, accidents can occur.

We’ll cover the potential risks of squirrel bites, signs of infection to watch out for, and how to prevent getting bitten in the first place.

Potential Dangers of Squirrel Bites

Potential Dangers of Squirrel Bites

1. Infection

When a squirrel bites you, one big worry is getting an infection. Squirrel mouths have germs that can enter your body when they bite.

The chance of a very bad infection is not very high, but it’s important to be careful.

If you clean and disinfect the bite right away, you can lower the risk.

So, if a squirrel ever bites you, don’t wait to clean the wound quickly to stay safe and healthy.

2. Rabies

It’s rare, but once in a blue moon, a squirrel might give you rabies if it bites you. Because most squirrels rarely have rabies.

If a squirrel sinks teeth into you, it’s wise to visit a doctor. They’ll examine you and determine if you need treatment to prevent rabies.

Rabies is a nasty illness that can make you sick if you don’t get help quickly. It’s passed through bites from infected animals, such as dogs, bats, and squirrels.

3. Tetanus

If a squirrel bites you, be cautious about tetanus, especially if it’s a deep bite. Tetanus comes from germs that grow in puncture wounds.

If you haven’t had a tetanus shot in the past ten years, you might need one after a squirrel bite, depending on how bad it is.

Tetanus shots help prevent this serious illness. If you get bitten, remember to check when your last tetanus shot was.

It’s better to be safe and get an extra shot if needed. This simple step can protect you from a potentially harmful sickness that affects your muscles and nerves.

4. Allergic Reactions

Some people might get allergies when bitten by a squirrel. These allergies can cause small issues like itching and redness or bigger problems like trouble breathing or low blood pressure.

If you’ve had allergies from insect stings or other animal bites, it’s important to see a doctor immediately if a squirrel bites you.

What to Do if Bitten by a Squirrel

What to Do if Bitten by a Squirrel

1. Wash the Wound

To ensure your wound stays clean and doesn’t get infected, follow these steps: First, use soap and water to wash it for five minutes. This helps clear any bad germs in the cut.

Doing this makes an infection less likely, which is good when trying to improve.

So, if you get a cut or scrape, wash it thoroughly with soap and water for five minutes.

This will keep those germs away and help your body heal faster.

2. Apply an Antiseptic

After you’ve cleaned the wound, put some antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide on it. This helps keep it super clean and prevents germs from causing an infection.

So, once the wound is clean, apply a bit of antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide, and you’re good to go.

This extra step can help your cut or scrape heal without any problems. It’s like giving your body some extra help to stay healthy.

So, always do this after cleaning up any cuts or scrapes.

3. Seek Medical Attention

When you have a cut or a bite, visiting a doctor is crucial. They will check your wound, tell you how to treat it and decide if you need special shots to protect against diseases like rabies or tetanus.

Don’t delay; see a healthcare expert right away. Your health is important.

Wounds can happen in many ways, like when you get a deep cut or if an animal bites you. It can be painful, and there might be bleeding.

But don’t worry—doctors are here to help. They will examine your wound carefully and decide on the best way to treat it.

Sometimes, if an animal bites you, you might need extra shots to keep you safe from serious illnesses like rabies.

These shots are like a shield that keeps you from getting sick.

4. Watch for Signs of Infection

Watch out for things like it turning red, swelling, feeling warm, or any liquid coming out.

If you see any of these signs, get medical help right away. Don’t wait. Infections can spread and make things worse if not treated quickly.

Your health is important, so always pay attention to any changes in your wound to ensure it healing well.

While discussing wildlife and potential risks associated with animals, a curious question arises: Is it safe to consume squirrel meat?

This question is not as straightforward as it may seem.

Eating squirrels can be seen in various cultures as a survival tactic or a culinary preference.

However, it’s essential to consider health guidelines and preparation methods to ensure safety.


Squirrel bites can be risky, but they’re not usually super dangerous. Most squirrel bites won’t make you sick or anything like that.

It’s best to avoid getting bitten in the first place by keeping your distance from squirrels and not trying to touch or feed them.

If you do get bitten, clean the wound well with soap and water, apply antibiotic ointment, and cover it with a bandage.

So, squirrel bites aren’t usually a big deal.

It’s still smart to be careful and properly treat any bites.

Stay safe and enjoy watching squirrels from a safe distance.

David Wilson
David Wilson, who has a Master’s in Agricultural Sciences from Texas A&M University, became part of our team in 2023. His expertise lies in innovative gardening technologies, particularly aeroponics, where he has over 8 years of experience. David’s prior roles include working as a research scientist for agricultural tech firms, focusing on sustainable food production. Moreover, David collaborated on urban farming initiatives and taught community gardening workshops. His hobbies include woodworking and exploring the outdoors.

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