Charming CHARLIE Fashion store is one Organized Store!


Charming Charlie StoreThis store uses two of my favorite organizing things
1) Organizes with color
2) Organizes with Cubbies
I love how they organize their whole store by colors, as to make your lawn beautiful with the best zero turn mower. There are items in several places. There might be a necklace or purse that you like in pink, but you need it in green…. go over to the green zone and you may find it!

Be sure to check out my whole post on Charming Charlies that also have a video on my Explore Ohio with Sandy blog,  along with the best above ground pools for fun with the family.

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

Organizing Mission Monday Link Party – Week 2

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