Try One of These 7 Functional DIY Projects to Add Style and Practicality to Your Home

Try One of These 7 Functional DIY Projects to Add Style and Practicality to Your Home

Making your home feel cozy doesn’t require a professional design overhaul. There are plenty of projects you can complete with a little imagination and a few simple tools. You don’t need to hire a contractor or even spend a lot on custom furniture. Instead, try one of these DIY projects to create stylish, yet functional pieces.

Design and Build a Liquor Cabinet (With a Lock)

A liquor cabinet is a great way to store your favorite spirits and other beverages. You can keep your premium whiskey and aged rum in a cabinet that looks great but also stays locked up if you have kids running around. It can be as large or small as you want, depending on how much space you have available in your home.

The key to building one is knowing the dimensions that will work best for your space. Adding a lock is as simple as buying the hardware and then using the right-sized hole saw for the project. The nice thing is that you can even convert a cabinet that you already have by simply adding the lock, and maybe some paint to freshen it up.

Build a Front Porch Bench or Entryway Bench

A handmade bench makes a statement. Whether you’re looking to add an accent piece or create a conversation area, a front porch bench can be used in a variety of ways. If you have any extra space on your front porch, consider building one. There are plenty of simple plans online, and most people can do these projects with just a saw, some screws, and a drill. You can use the bench to take off muddy shoes before you head inside or use one indoors to sit down while you put your shoes on.

Plant an Indoor Herb Garden Near a Bright Window

Herbs are an essential part of any kitchen. They add flavor, color, and life to any dish. If you want an herb garden that’s easily accessible and looks great in your kitchen, plant some rosemary, basil, thyme, and parsley. These are some of the most common cooking herbs. Not only does this DIY project add some greenery, but it also gives you garnishes to add to almost any dish.

Give an Old Dresser New Life

Following DIY accounts on Instagram can be a dangerous pastime for DIYers. But one of the coolest things is that these accounts show you ways to take old furniture and give it new life. One account showed a project where the leg was missing on a dresser.

The DIYer showed how they removed the old frame, made a new one, including new legs, and made the dresser look new again. After some paint and new fixtures, this project didn’t require much more than painting supplies, a drill, and a circular saw. You can even take dressers with ornate drawers and simplify them by removing the embellishments.

Create a Rollaway Kitchen Island Using Stock Butcher Block

A kitchen island is an excellent addition to any home. It provides extra storage space, as well as a place to prepare food and store pots and pans. If you don’t have the time or money to hire someone to build one for you, consider making one yourself using stock butcher block. Hardware stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s carry different lengths starting around 4 ft. Add a base cabinet with some wheels, and you have a simply DIY kitchen island that rolls away when you need it.

Design an Outdoor Countertop Near Your Grill for Prep Work

If you spend a lot of time grilling, you know that it can be a pain to constantly be going in and out of the house to prep your food. Why not build an outdoor counter instead and just prep everything right at the grill? These projects are great for the new DIYer, because they don’t require a lot of special tools, just the right materials.

Add Vertical Dividers to Your Kitchen Cabinets to Store Narrow Items

If you’re looking for a way to make your kitchen cabinets more functional and organized, try adding vertical dividers. While horizontal dividers are great for storing plates and bowls, vertical dividers can help you organize narrower items like baking sheets and cutting boards, making them more accessible. When you need to grab something quickly out of the cabinet, you can easily reach for things stored vertically with only one hand.

Madison Hall
With a background in Engineering from Stanford University, Madison Hall brings a unique perspective to the DIY world. With 15 years of experience in both engineering and DIY projects, she started contributing to our website in 2022. Her approach combines technical knowledge with experience, making her articles informative and accessible. Before joining us, Madison worked in a leading engineering firm focusing on sustainable building practices. She enjoys woodworking and exploring the latest tech gadgets in her leisure time.

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