
Is Cord of Wood Same as Rick of Wood

Is Cord of Wood Same as Rick of Wood

Firewood is not sold according to the stack of logs or only logs. The main units of selling firewood are cord, face cord, and rick of firewood.

Now, the question arises that whether the cord of wood is the same as the rick of wood. They do appear as the same unit but, there are not.

There is a slight difference between the two. However, the difference is too small that many people get themselves confused but, in this article, we will be discussing how they are different from each other.

How Much is a Cord?

Cord of Wood

A cord of firewood is defined as a standard unit of measuring firewood, and it measures 8 feet wide, 4 feet tall, and 4 feet in depth. Many people wonder that from where the unit of measuring firewood got the name cord.

So, the answer to this question is that in the early 17th century, people used to hold together all the logs of firewood with a cord of rope, and since then, it has got this name cord.

Even if you are planning to purchase firewood according to the cord, you must know that even a cord is a lot of wood. A Cord of firewood is a lot of wood, so people mainly purchase the firewood according to cord because it gives them plenty of wood.

It can last up to several months when you will use it for heating fuel in a fireplace. Therefore, people are so fond of a cord of firewood because it gives them more than enough quantity of firewood in a single go.

How Much is a Rick?

Rick of Firewood

Rick is also a standard measurement of firewood that is quite different from the cord. The rick of firewood is comparatively less than a cord of firewood. People often get confused between the rick of firewood and cord of firewood and interpret that they both are the same.

However, they are not. The rick of firewood is the same as the face cord, not as the cord of firewood. There are many different types of cords, full cords, face cords, and half cords.

A rick or the face cord of firewood is almost the same as it describes 8 feet wide, 4 feet tall, and 4 feet deep stack of wood. They are the same in height as well as the width of a full cord. The only difference between them is that a full cord measures around 4 feet big, whereas a rick measure around 16 to 18 inches deep.

Furthermore, the same description goes with the face cord as well. So, a rick and a full cord are very different from each other, and the rick and the face cord are almost like each other.

How much Does a Rick of Firewood Cost?

Well, there is no certain price fixed for a rick of firewood. This is because the price not just depends on the rick of firewood, but it also depends on the quality, moisture level, timeline of the year, and several other factors. 

A rick of firewood contains a lot of wood, but the main problem is that the quality of wood should be good to be used for heating fuel purposes. Mainly, people want the quality of the firewood to be soft and smooth so that the heating process can be continued.

The cost of a rick of firewood depends on all these factors combined. More so, the cost of a rick of firewood always goes high because of the quality of the firewood and the moisture level of the firewood so that it can fit perfectly for the heating fuel in a fireplace.

The average cost of a rick of firewood lies somewhere between 150$-200$. It is relatively costly than other general wood, which is why people often think before buying this because the quantity of the firewood is also large.

Rick vs Cord

rick vs cord of wood

Well, till now, you must have understood that there is a huge difference between these two terms and how they refer to different measurements of firewood.

A rick is somewhat less than the cord of firewood in quantity and is much known for its depth around 16 to 18 inches deep.

Overall, there is a huge difference between them in terms of measurement.

William Eames
William Eames, with a background in industrial design brings over 18 years of experience in design and architecture. He joined our editorial team in 2019, offering insights into design trends and architectural innovations. Before this, William ran his design studio and lectured at various universities. His hobbies include photography and sustainable gardening, reflecting his commitment to aesthetics and the environment.

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