
Tips For Rebuilding Your Home After A Fire


Losing your home to a fire is a truly traumatic event, no matter how it comes about. The health and safety of your family and anyone else on your property is of primary concern. But that does not downplay the financial and emotional impact of losing everything you own. Seeing a home – which you worked long and hard for, in which you have family memories, which held all of your sentimental possessions – burn down is devastating.

It might seem like rebuilding is an impossible task and you may not even feel like you want to. However, many people have done so before and with some time and patience, you can get your home back.

Here are some tips for rebuilding your home after a fire.

Call your insurance

Claiming from your insurance company is crucial for your financial survival. But paying claims is not the only part your insurance company has to play. Rather, they will be involved in assessing the damage and finding vendors to help with rebuilding. While they are doing this for their own bottom line, it is useful to follow their efforts to help come to your own decisions. In some cases, you will have to use the providers they choose. In others, their options will help set your expectations when seeking out quotes.

Something you may have to deal with since the pandemic started is that the cost to rebuild is more than your insurance covers. The price of materials and labor have risen due to supply chain issues. This is why extended replacement cost can be a good idea for homeowners who have not yet faced disaster. Extended replacement cost covers the added costs in these scenarios

Start with structural restoration

This might seem like an obvious point to someone whose entire home has been destroyed. But if only parts of your home have been destroyed, you may think that you might as well start working on the contents in rooms that were only partly damaged and patio that doesn’t exist anymore.

Beginning with structural restoration before getting onto anything else gives you the chance to address all potential obstacles without having to undo work you’ve done on the inside of the home.

Repair or replace the electrical system

The electrical system is going to be one of the major issues you deal with in rebuilding. No matter how bad the fire was, the electrical system is something you need to pay careful attention to. Electrical faults can be a huge factor in future fires, and you don’t want to leave any possibility of that happening. Even if you don’t think the electrical system was badly damaged, have it fully assessed. Repair and replace everything that may cause problems in future.

Be patient

Of course, you want your home back as soon as possible. Staying with family or in a hotel is far from ideal, and getting back to your home can soften the emotional impact. However, that does not mean you should rush the process. You need patience in order to get your home back in the best possible state. Half-jobs are only going to lead to future issues. You also don’t want to live in a half-built home, as your quality of life will be affected and you may find yourself getting in the way.

Family therapy

While your home is being rebuilt, it is worthwhile to consider therapy or take care of create your own garden. Some fires are traumatic due to the fear involved in escaping from them. Others are traumatic simply because of the extent of the loss. You’re suddenly living in a new world to which you need to reorient yourself.

Your whole family can benefit from therapy to deal with the emotional scars. Individual therapy can be a huge help, and so can family therapy. In family therapy, you get to share your experience with an emotional depth that may not come through in normal conversations. It helps everyone to know they are not alone in the struggle to deal with the loss.

Life as normal

Your home will not be rebuilt for some time, but you should try to go about life as normal sooner rather than later. Go out and buy new clothes and other essentials your family needs. Get the electronics they need to study or work. Try and restore your routine. This will help in reorienting yourself to the new reality. The old routine will help your family feel safer and more secure in a world which looks quite different.

No one is prepared for the devastation caused by a fire that destroys their home. The above tips will help you get through the first stages of rebuilding and getting back to life as normal.

Sandy Jensen
Sandy Jensen, a celebrated writer in the home and garden niche, boasts over 12 years of hands-on experience. Her educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University. Before joining our team in 2016, she worked as a landscape designer, combining her love for nature and design. Sandy's expertise shines through her articles, offering readers practical and aesthetically pleasing gardening tips. Off the clock, she enjoys hiking and nature photography, further nurturing her connection with the outdoors.

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